EMC will cooperate with China's Tsinghua University on the research of cloud computing technologies, a hot sector which is raising attention from both manufacturers and research institutions around the world.
The two sides will jointly launch an initiative called EMC Lecture Professor Team Program as part of their cooperation. Fan Chenggong, global vice president and general manager of EMC China R&D Center, says that EMC's cooperation with Tsinghua University aims to combine EMC's advanced technology and advantage with Tsinghua's expertise in research to jointly advance the latter's position in international research and talent training. Fan says that cloud computing is the fifth department that EMC has set up following the establishment of the department of storage, content management, information management and virtualization.
Under the EMC Lecture Professor Team Program, Tsinghua University will invite scientists from such top international universities as Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford University and Princeton University to give lessons to their students to speed up the university's education level.
Based on the cooperation on the program, EMC will cooperate with Tsinghua University on further research. At present, Tsinghua University is one of the five founding members of EMC China Lab's non-profit development platform Daoli Project.