Guo Huadong, vice secretary general of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), recently announced that China would provide 50 fellowships in scientific research every year to scientists from other developing countries, after the 14th general meeting of the Third World Academy of Sciences(TWAS), from Oct. 16 to 19, released a declaration calling for further international scientific openness and cooperation and ecnouraging countries with certain scientific expertise to provide opportunities for research to scientists from scientifically less-developed nations.
In response to the proposal, China has decided to help other developing countries, said Guo, a co-ordinator for the TWAS meeting and a technologist, specializing in remote sensing imaging, who has himself trained a fellow from Cameroon.
"Technologies on environmental protection and control of epidemics definitely need cooperation between scientists from developed and developing countries," he said. China would show more openness to the outside world, he said. "Only by knowing world scientific trends, can decision-makers plan scientific research wisely."