Communication Intelligence Corporation (CIC), the biometric signature verification & natural input software company and a leading supplier of electronic signature solutions, announced today that its 90% owned joint venture, Communication Intelligence Computer Corporation, Ltd. (CICC), based on a licensing agreement signed in July of 2003, will be supplying additional biometric and electronic signature solutions as well as its natural input technologies to Harbin Boiler Company, LTD (Harbin), the largest utility boiler manufacturer in China.
CICC first signed a licensing agreement with Harbin in 2003 for CIC's Sign-it for AutoCAD product to be used in Harbin's initial deployment. Additional licensing has now been provided to deploy CICC's other Sign-it products and InkTools software development kit for integration into Harbin's current office automation systems for utilization on a much broader scale. Under the original agreement Harbin utilized the Simplified Chinese version of Sign-it for AutoCAD to automate its entire review and approval processes for AutoCAD based engineering drawings and designs. This resulted in significant reductions in the need to generate paper drawings and reduced overall design time by allowing immediate electronic access to individuals required to review and approve the designs.
The Sign-it family of products provides enterprise customers with a solution for legally compliant secure electronic signatures within a workflow environment for applications such as document approval, contract execution, and e-Commerce. The applications enable real time signature capture, verification, and binding of a handwritten biometric signature within various document environments and are currently available in English or Simplified Chinese. CICC's InkTools provides enterprises the ability to increase productivity, decrease costs and increase the ease of use for their employees and customers by enabling a more intuitive and natural way for people to interact with today's personal computers using handwriting recognition, document annotation, handwritten email, electronic chops and biometric signature verification. InkTools addresses the growing and diverse base of computer users in China striving to achieve the benefits of the paperless environment with best-of-breed, proven eSignature technology.