DF China Technology Inc. today announced that it has successfully completed its wireless SMS (WSMS) technology platform trial run–the platform is being deployed by China Shipping Logistics.
According to Dr. Wayne Wang, president of DICHAIN Software, a wholly owned subsidiary of DFCT, the WSMS platform targets the enterprises applications. The WSMS has two main components: Wireless Platform and Application Platform. The wireless platform integrates with China Mobile and China Unicom, the two largest mobile communication networks and handles all the wireless communication functions. The application platform interfaces with various enterprise applications, including marketing, logistics, and OA systems. The application platform enables the enterprise functions can be carried out on the wireless network.
The WSMS can centralize the information from various SMS and wireless devices and inputs and channels it into the enterprise applications. The WSMS also sends out broadcast messages from applications within the enterprise systems enabling the information for orders and instructions can be instantly dispatched to the receivers outside the regular information network.
Dr. Wang said that during the first phase trial run, WSMS is capable of integrating with Transportation Management system, Warehouse system, and Distribution system. In the next phase, the WSMS will interface with CRM, Sales and marketing functions.