China Unioncom Digital Technology Co. Ltd, Through Its China Broadband Solutions Network Together with American IDC Corp, Will Jointly Rollout the "ETV" Bit Technology Streamed from Chinese TV Stations to Broadband Internet Equipped Households in China.
Following a formal Joint Venture signing ceremony in Beijing last week, American IDC Corporation and China Unioncom Digital Technology Co. Ltd. issued a joint communique, announcing the launching of a strategic Cooperative Joint Venture to provide ETV broadband Internet television (BIT) technology to TV stations and other content providers across China.
At the signing ceremony, Tony Barnard, CEO of ETV, and Mr. Lee Jun Ping, Chairman of China Unioncom announced that China Unioncom will operate the Cooperative Joint Venture in China, from China Unioncom's Headquarters in Beijing. Key managerial and technical personnel from both companies have been assigned to implement the roll out.
China Unioncom is one of the leading solution providers of broadband digital technology and services in China, with public, private, and government contracts throughout the country.