Local media report that a man surnamed Lin in Shenzhen has registered five domain names related to "One World One Dream", the English slogan of Beijing Olympic 2008.
Now Lin hopes to donate the five domain names to the Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee and is waiting for reply from the organization.
Lin registered the domain names on June 26, 2005, the same day that the Beijing Olympics Organizing Committee publicized the slogan "Tong Yi Ge Shi Jie Tong Yi Ge Meng Xiang" (One World One Dream). He told local media that he realized that if the slogan was preemptively registered by others, it would cause losses to both the Olympic Games 2008 and Beijing Olympic Organizing Committee. So he altruistically began registering names and by June 29, he owned five domain names ended with "org.cn", "com.cn", "net.cn", "org" and "net", some of which were bought from others.
The Olympic Logo Protection Rules state that only officially sanctioned organizations can use the Olympic logo, including relevant slogans, for business purposes.
The China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC) is currently studying whether the registration of the domain names violate the rules.