AsiaInfo (ASIA) has signed an agreement with Beijing Mobile to expand its Operational Customer Relationship Management system.
"Beijing Mobile's online operational customer relationship management system is a landmark system within China's telecom industry," said Steve Zhang, AsiaInfo's President and CEO. "We have been involved in the development of Beijing Mobile's CRM system since its inception and we are excited to have this opportunity to enhance their customer service capabilities with this expansion."
This system, developed in 2004, was the first successful OCRM system deployed in China's telecom industry.
Prior to this agreement, AsiaInfo successfully partnered with Beijing Mobile to develop Phase I, II and III of their CRM system. In 2004, AsiaInfo completed Phase I of Beijing Mobile's CRM system which unified the call center and sales office customer data systems. In Phase II and Phase III, AsiaInfo integrated the CRM system to ensure seamless operation with Beijing Mobile's business operation support system.