Yang Junzuo, team leader of the Anti-Malware Coordination Work Team of the Internet Society of China, has disclosed that they have targeted 14 types of malware for their new blacklist.
Yang said of the over 60 types of malware that have been previously frequently found in China, more than 40 have already fixed themselves and now pose no serious threats to users. But these 14 other software, which are still unnamed, are still problematic for Internet users. Yang said AMCWT hopes the concerned companies who produce and distribute the malware can mend their programming.
In April this year, Yang told local media if all the companies involved would correct their wrongdoing, the ISC would not publish their blacklist. Obviously many of these companies are still not acting responsibly.
Spamhaus, which runs world's largest anti-spam and exploit monitoring service, currently ranks China as the second highest source for the origination of spam and viruses. Many of these malware products turn themselves into mail engines that spew large numbers of viruses or spam messages around the Internet. Spamhaus runs the Exploits Block List, known also as the XBL, is a realtime database of IP addresses of illegal third party exploits, including open proxies, worms, viruses with built-in spam engines, and other types of trojan-horse exploits.