In order to provide more convenience for consumers, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China has adjusted the short message service number for the mobile phone banking of China Mobile's users and that of ICBC from the original 777795588 and 62019558, respectively, to a unified 95588.
From now on until May 31, 2008, China Mobile's mobile phone banking users will also enjoy a six months of free mobile phone banking service. A representative from ICBC says that after the unification of the mobile phone banking numbers, China Mobile's users who are using ICBC's mobile phone banking service can send a short message to 95588 before they can make various inquiries, transfer an account, remit, and fulfill payment for consumption items and the transaction result will be sent back to them via 95588 short message. In addition, users of ICBC's message service can receive reminders on their financial details.
ICBC has been improving its mobile phone banking service in recent years, and with the optimization of this service, ICBC's mobile phone banking service is rapidly expanding. As of October 2007, ICBC saw an increase of 3.084 million new mobile phone banking users, which was an increase of 151% over the same period of last year and brought it total mobile phone banking service user number to 4.7 million.