Chinese smartphone maker Xiaomi recently confirmed that Manu Kumar Jain, Xiaomi's director of its Indian market business, has been promoted to global vice president.
Prior to this, Xiaomi's global vice president Hugo Barra departed the Beijing-based company due to work pressure and health reasons associated with living in China. Barra has since joined Facebook in the United States to lead its virtual reality business.
Jain is a co-founder of India's local e-commerce company Jabong and he joined Xiaomi in 2016. He played an important role in Xiaomi's rapid development in the Indian market. Under his leadership, Xiaomi sold 2.5 million to 3 million smartphones each quarter in the Indian market and about 75% of those phones were made in India.
Jain previously revealed that Xiaomi had submitted a branded retail store license application to the Indian government and they are expected to get approval over the next few months. Once the license is granted, Xiaomi's awareness in India will be further improved. At present, Xiaomi has already seized nearly 30% market share in the Indian online smartphone market and the figure may further increase in the future.