[Technology] Amazon bans 600 Chinese brands from its store to abuse review policy New York, September 20: Amazon has banned 600 Chinese brands for violating their review policy. Approximately 3,000 online merchant accounts backed by these brands have been closed by e-commerce giants.This measure is reported to have been taken as part of a global crackdown on consumer review abuse. [The Wall Street Journal](//www.wsj.com/articles/fake-reviews-and-inflated-ratings-are-still-a-problem-for-amazon-11623587313) .. According to Amazon, these brands offered gift cards to their customers in exchange for positive reviews. [Amazon listed agency AMZSEO HUB sees sales skyrocketing since the pandemic.](//www.latestly.com/india/information/amazon-listing-agency-amz-seo-hub-sees-sales-soar-since-pandemic-2849756.html) According to the report by [The Verge](//www.theverge.com/2021/9/17/22680269/amazon-ban-chinese-brands-review-abuse-fraud-policy) ,...