[Somerset Capital Management LLP] ( [Current Portfolio] ) buys Yum China Holdings Inc, Sea, sells NetEase Inc, Tencent Music Entertainment Group, HUYA Inc, HeadHunter Group PLC, Credicorp during the 3-months ended 2021Q3, according to the most recent filings of the investment company, Somerset Capital Management LLP. As of 2021Q3, Somerset Capital Management LLP owns 13 stocks with a total value of $980 million. These are the details of the buys and sells. - Added Positions: [YUMC] , [SE] , [ATHM] , [MELI] , - Reduced Positions: [NTES] , [INFY] , [IBN] , [YNDX] , [HHR] , [INDA] , [TSM] ,...