[Technology] With the latest laptop from Chinese bookmaker Hasee ZX9, you can pair a GeForce RTX 3070 GPU with a dual-core Intel Celeron G6900 CPU for $ 1,300. Chinese notebook maker Hasee [Start-up](//item.jd.com/100032451724.html?cu=true&utm_source=www.linkstars.com&utm_medium=tuiguang&utm_campaign=t_1000089893_156_0_184__88a1b32242dcb38a&utm_term=04967efdd1c6444caff2c6c33511c092) Tomorrow, the latest ZX9 gaming laptops will be offered at a very attractive price, but there’s also one weird configuration that combines a high-end RTX 3070 GPU with a dual-core Intel Celeron CPU. Hasee’s ZX9 gaming notebook features the weirdest laptop configuration, combining an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3070 with an Intel dual-core Celeron G6900 CPU. Looking at the general specs that Hasee ZX9’Ares ZX9-DA5DP’must provide, it’s not...