[Music News] The Ledger: Tencent Music Highlights Risks of Doing Business in China Doing business in China got tougher in 2021 after government agencies handed down new rules and levied fines against some well-known companies. For evidence this has made investing in Chinese companies more complicated, look no further than Tencent Music Entertainment’s [annual report](//app.quotemedia.com/data/downloadFiling?webmasterId=101533&ref=116642878&type=PDF&symbol=TME&companyName=Tencent+Music+Entertainment+Group+American+Depositary+Shares+each+representing+two+Class+A&formType=20-F&dateFiled=2022-04-26&CK=1744676) released Tuesday. All publicly traded companies’ financial statements include risk factors mandated by the Securities and Exchange Commission to help investors understand companies’ unique challenges and possible negative outcomes if things go south. TME’s previous annual reports have listed numerous risk factors, ranging from licensing...