Sun Yuning, leader of China's Intelligent Grouping and Resource Sharing Work Team, has told local media that the IGRS standard made by Chinese enterprises has passed a critical vote at the International Organization for Standardization and the International Electrotechnical Commission and this means it will become the first international standard in the global 3C coordination field.
Sun says the final result for IGRS to be an international standard is definite, though it still needs to undergo a series of necessary formalities before it is formally published as an international standard.
As the first technical standard made by Chinese enterprises, IGRS has been expanding since its establishment. Until now, it has already become a large industry alliance with more than 90 members, all of whom are leaders within their respective industry, and over 200 invention patents. In the two rounds of voting at the ISO in July last year and March this year, it was accepted as a candidate technology standard and draft. In the latest round of voting it won the affirmation of developed countries including the U.S., Japan, South Korea, France and Britain.
Analysts say that IGRS will advance Chinese enterprises' power of speech after it becomes an international standard.