Having a son is preferred in many Asian countries, but researchers find living with daughters can bring greater happiness November 26, 2023
'You're the Very Worst Kind': Singapore Chinese Cab Driver Abuses Woman Assuming She's Indian September 25, 2023
The pedestrian detection systems in self-driving cars are less likely to detect children and people of color, study suggests August 26, 2023
New calculator predicts risk of early recurrence in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma August 23, 2023
Waiting to Be Arrested at Night review – the Uyghurs’ fight for survival in a society where repression is routine August 14, 2023
RFK Jr. defends himself against complaints of racist and antisemitic online misinformation July 20, 2023
In the name of assistance, Chinese companies controlling public services in Kenya: Report July 14, 2023
Beijing says it warned Japanese fishing boat in waters near Japan-held islands claimed by China July 14, 2023
Asian American tech worker says in lawsuit that former execs banned Mandarin and made jokes about rice July 13, 2023
If US is serious about nurturing its ‘most consequential partnership’ with India, it has a strange way of signaling that July 11, 2023
Exploring the Link between Toilet Inclusivity and Gender Equality: How Inclusive Toilets Contribute to Social Progress July 9, 2023